
Mercury trine ascendant aspect
Mercury trine ascendant aspect

mercury trine ascendant aspect

The solar person may tend to challenge the ascendant person's sense of identity under negative circumstances with the danger of a contest of wills. However, unlike the conjunction, the solar person tends to be happy being him/herself and usually does not try to be like the ascendant person.Īscendant : The ascendant individual's outlook and view of the world tends to be at odds with the purpose and will of the solar person. They both like and admire eachother and have agreement of convictions and purpose in life. If romance is possible, then this is often an indication of a physical attraction.Īscendant : This combination is similar to the conjunction except the effect is usually weaker and less noticable than the conjunction. The solar person often (subconsciously or not) wishes that they were more like the ascendant person. The ascendant person likes the purpose or main goal in life of the solar person. The ascendant individual can identify with the solar person and the solar person has respect and admiration for the ascendant individual. In some cases, these two people may be trying to avoid eachother.Īscendant : This is one of the great indicators for a stable and long lasting relationship. However, other indications must be considered. It would be an indication that there is lack of interest between the two of you, or that there is some temporary purpose for your knowing this person. Common ground is likely to be scarce here. In the case where the ascendants oppose each other (within 3 degrees), there is the tendency for each to be the other's "nemesis" unless there is much to negate this combination.Īscendant Ascendant: This combination shows that the two of you have a very different outlook and philosophy of the world and that your visceral reactions, likes and dislikes are very dissimilar. First impressions might tend to be slightly unfavorable. This is not a confirmation that there would or should be no relationship! This combination shows that each of you can learn a great deal from the other if both of you are willing to compromise a little. For instance, you might both love baseball but one of you is a Phillies fan and the other is a Mets fan. This is because the two of you tend to have contrary likes and dislikes and react differently to the same stimuli, but tend to favor the same issues.

mercury trine ascendant aspect

Reciprocation of favors comes easily and this is excellent for teamwork or any partnership because the other person is capable of taking over where the first left off.Īscendant Ascendant: This combination tends to create a certain amount of friction. This combination tends to create more interest and excitement than the conjunction, helping each to expand and add to their understanding of the world. Since the purpose of any relationship is spiritual growth, this combination would probably only survive if there is greater contrariety in the other indicators.Īscendant Ascendant: This combination shows that the two people involved have similar likes and dislikes and have a favorable first impression of each other.

mercury trine ascendant aspect

While this may seem like a favorable indication for a relationship, too much similarity tends to create stagnation and lack of interest. This shows that the two of you tend to see the world in the same way and have similar visceral responses to likes and dislikes. Ascendant Ascendant: The ascendant often has to do with first impressions that we get from others.

Mercury trine ascendant aspect